• JUNE 30, 2024
    Attunement: A Way of Understanding and Accessing Self Energy

    Attunement: A Way of Understanding and Accessing Self Energy

    Max Littman, LCSW June 30, 2024 In the following article, I focus on attunement as a way of understanding and accessing Self energy. It will address the importance of attunement, how it functions, and how to attune to parts from Self energy. A practical guide for how to attune from Self energy is included. AsRead more
    • JUNE 20, 2024
    Unlocking the Potential of Your Private Practice Through IFS

    Unlocking the Potential of Your Private Practice Through IFS

    How IFS can help you build and sustain your private psychotherapy practice. Max Littman, LCSW June 20, 2024   Introduction The following article is intended to support therapists build, improve, and sustain their private practices through the framework of IFS. It addresses what parts of your internal system you may need to rely upon andRead more
    • JUNE 13, 2024
    A Conversation with My Writer/Editor Part

    A Conversation with My Writer/Editor Part

    Max Littman, LCSW June 13, 2024 The following conversation between myself and my writer/editor part is shared with the intentions of helping others connect with their own and other people’s internal systems and in helping my own parts feel in connection with the IFS and broader communities. Me: Hi. Writer/Editor Part (W/E): Hi there. Me:Read more
    • JUNE 4, 2024
    Trump: America’s Unattached Burden

    Trump: America’s Unattached Burden

    What Bob Falconer’s approach to UBs can teach us about Trump, his supporters, and our American community. Max Littman, LCSW June 4, 2024 Trigger warning: this article discusses Donald Trump. My parts have very strong reactions to Donald Trump. I imagine most people’s parts do too. My parts’ primary reactions are fear and anger. TheRead more
    • MAY 26, 2024
    The Hope of Inner Physics

    The Hope of Inner Physics

    Max Littman, LCSW May 26, 2024 Dick Schwartz mentioned some time ago that he wanted to write a book on the physics of the internal world. I wish I could fully remember where and when he made this statement, but the idea has lingered with me. A part of me is still wishing for thisRead more
    • OCTOBER 29, 2023
    A Method For Identifying, Extracting, and Releasing Burdens

    A Method For Identifying, Extracting, and Releasing Burdens

    Max Littman, LCSW October 29, 2023 Martha Sweezy’s recent book on shame and guilt (in my view a seminal work in the IFS catalog) illustrates the perspective that most, if not all, burdens are rooted in shame. To a certain extent, I agree with this claim. I would add that powerlessness is the core ingredientRead more
    • SEPTEMBER 24, 2023
    Music as a Trailhead: How Parts are Affected by and Use Music

    Music as a Trailhead: How Parts are Affected by and Use Music

    Max Littman, LCSW September 24, 2023 This article covers ideas about how music can be used to understand aspects of the human experience and mind, and ways to think about music when using Internal Family Systems (IFS) as a modality for therapy. I draw from my experiences as a gay man, a therapist, a filmmaker,Read more
    • SEPTEMBER 12, 2023
    Working with Parts Affected by Organic Bipolar and Psychotic Disorders

    Working with Parts Affected by Organic Bipolar and Psychotic Disorders

    Max Littman, LCSW September 12, 2023 If you are interested in learning more about integrating Internal Family Systems (IFS) in therapy with people affected by bipolar and psychotic disorders, please read on. I recommend having a baseline understanding of IFS before proceeding. My intent here is to share what I’ve learned experientially in working with

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